Brisbane | Logan | Ipswich
Saltwater, Fire and Sun
Beating burglars
Seamless corners
A weld can be stronger than the parts joined
A welded security screen is stronger...and looks better!
Prowler Proof is Australia’s only welded security screen… and the only security screen made in a world class fully automated factory. These two facts combine to make Prowler Proof a superior product at a competitive price.
Prowler Proof are the only security screen manufacturer in Australia
to offer a 10 year replacement warranty.
You will quite simply get a new product if your Prowler Proof product shows defects in workmanship or materials within 10 years from the date of manufacture. No ifs, no buts…no paperwork.
Prowler Proof is a 100% Australian owned and operated family business. We have manufactured high quality security doors and window screens since 1984.
Prowler Proof manufactures Australia’s best residential security screens in Australia’s only world class manufacturing facility. Produced in a computer controlled hi-tech environment, Prowler Proof costs no more than old fashioned security screens with screws or rivets, put together by hand. Still, Prowler Proof is stronger, looks better and offers better corrosion protection than any other security screen.

The main difference between Prowler Proof and other security screens is that all Prowler Proof products have a fully welded frame. A weld joins two parts together, a screw or a rivet merely holds two parts together. A weld can actually be stronger than the parts joined…and it looks better than screws or rivets, too.

With its seamless welded corners a Prowler Proof security screen looks like it’s made in one piece. It feels that way, too. You will immediately notice the difference when you compare Prowler Proof with a product that is held together by screws or rivets. Prowler Proof feels stronger because it is stronger.

Whenever two different metals interact, there’s a risk of corrosion. With no screws or rivets to penetrate the frame and the mesh in order to keep them together, this risk is eliminated in a Prowler Proof security screen. Another huge advantage of a welded security screen

Prowler Proof security screens are premium in every respect...except for the price. The manufacturing processes in our world class factory are fully automated, enabling us to produce a superior product at a competitive price. Prowler Proof is outstanding value for money.

From the moment your dealer places an order in Prowler Proof’s online ordering system, computers keep constant track of every detail. Thanks to the computerised systems our quality and reliability are industry leading.

Prowler Proof’s factory is not short of dedicated and skilled craftsmen. But some tasks are best left to machines. No human can match the one-tenth-of-a-millimetre accuracy of our welding robots or the speed and quality of our 7-stage automated powder coating system.

Prowler Proof products meet or exceed all relevant Australian Standards as well as some even tougher international standards. These tests include simulated burglar attacks with a knife, a screwdriver, cutting pliers…kicking and pulling. No match for the ForceField® or Diamond products.

Imagine being hit by 5 steel bullets less than a centimetre in diameter at 170km/h plus. Or a 4kg timber block at more than 100km/h. That is what is required by the Australian Standards Cyclone Test and Prowler Proof ForceField® passed with flying colours. ForceField® has also passed the American Standards Hurricane Test.

All Prowler Proof products have survived a 1000-hour Salt Spray Test with no signs of corrosion. ForceField® is approved for buildings in bushfire prone areas…other Prowler Proof products just need the optional stainless steel insect gauze to comply. A European test revealed that ForceField® reduces heat and UV light by 55%. We could go on…
You don't have to take our word for it: Prowler Proof has passed every conceivable test with flying colours and all test results are available right here on our website: